Technical specifications
En / Sk Last update: 11.8.2021
modrykonik logo
modrykonik logo

Brand Days

Last update: 11.8.2021
Days Days zoom

Assets needed for Brand Days format:

Company or product logo
The logo, that will be displayed on modrykonik homepage and under the presenter's photograph.

Cover picture
Picture sized 660x220px, that will be displayed in the top section of the Brand Days page.
Please note that lower 80px will be coverd by the black-white gradient and the name of the Brand days will be displayed on its left side.

Creatives for Branding and Halfpage display formats
Display formats Branding and Halfpage are included in the Brand Days campaign, so their creatives are required as well.

Campaign presenter's photograph
Will be displayed on the Brand Days homepage.

Short, informal introduction of campaign's presenter (3 to 5 sentences)
Will be displayed on Brand Days homepage.

Presenter's signature scan
Will be displayed on the Brand Days homepage, under the presenter's introduction.

Presenter's nickname
It's necessary to create an account on our website prior to the campaign start. We recommend you to create your nickname in format name_companyname, or name_productname. E.g. tomas_modrykonik.

Other terms and requirements: If you wish to track the number of clicks or impressions, please send us the relevant codes. For impression tracking, please send us the tracking code in tracking pixel format (our ad-server doesn't support javascript tracking). Please take HTTPS protocol into account during the preparation of your scripts and creatives.

The customer agrees to adhere to the technical specification of advertisement materials and agrees to deliver correctly finished advertisement materials 4 working days before the planned campaign start at the latest.

In case the advertisement materials are not received within the time frame specified in this document, the customer agrees to aliquot shortening of the fulfillment (the duration, number of ad impressions, etc.) while committing to pay the full order price.

We are not a creative agency thus we do not create campaign content (creative, texts).

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